Friday, July 31, 2009


originally uploaded by anatolant. -- short play festival/competition for 2010 Summer Conference

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

originally uploaded by Joska.
images for lul concept shows
Chorus Line, ET --
"Two Worlds" -- there are more, if you look inside...
Lul ONLINE? In Ethiopia? Not right away.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here. -- and the  page in : beta.vtheatre
New game with NEW [pages]
It would be nice if two tasks could merge -- my ethiopian 3rd wave and my new generation in web-architecture...
All my thoughts are about LIVE Lul Theatre....

Monday, June 08, 2009

webmaster daily 06/09/2009

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

webmaster daily 05/18/2009

  • Looking back on 2008, webpages and myself. Notes on "Diary Project" and lessons for Project Utopia.

    tags: diary, web, writing, 2008

    • ... Of course, I believe in web; even when I lose hope. It's so powerful, the first touch of cosmos. Our earthly life is over, the new existence and its forms are unknown. Welcome.

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

Monday, April 27, 2009

New -- for LUL...
I do not know how much online work I will be doing in Ethiopia -- time, tech support, and -- my frustration with web.
I do not know what else I can do to better my webpages without becoming webmaster ONLY.
I try to "fix" as many pages as I can, but it has no effect on the traffic.
To use my pages (structure) by myself means to write, to use MY space for texts.
Of course, how LUL will effect my future is unknown factor.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Ancient holy book

Ancient holy book
Originally uploaded by adritzz
Collecting images for Lul Productions -- pages [+ blog]

Afar kid Ethiopia - Lafforgue

LUL channel at

Tuesday, March 31, 2009,
originally uploaded by anatolant.
Spring LUL pages: shows and classes

Friday, March 20, 2009

Not just Theatre UAF comes to the closer, but my webbing, too.
No more Diary of Webman?
No lessons for myself?
The end of webmaster "anatolant"?
Did I promise to finish WEB-making in 2008?
Oh, the writing!
That's another blog -- [ not much to show].
Not even in 2009!
Webmaster is a bad writer...
Too bad.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Total Actor and Total Director webpages... updating while teaching my last Acting(2) and Directing USA classes.
I'll leave the old instructional directories [Anatoly UAF] as is, but the new ones -- for non-academic purposes.
I do not know if I'll have time for webbing in Ethiopia; most likely not.
I try to make 2009-2010 pages in advance. Theatre LUL Academe -- yes, the aspects of it: [1] + [2] administration + [3] classes
Again, how much of it could be used in Africa is unknown.
Virtual Theatre and everything else ONLINE is in question.
Including, the existence on this very blog...

Friday, January 30, 2009

The end of now
Originally uploaded by anatolant
Caligari images for director's notebook --

Virtual Theatre BLOG --

Other images and other URLs

This one for changing of the sky above the Metropolis...

VIDEO pages 
Transition between scenes 
Caligari, the book -- After the show the webBook must appear.

[ directing ]

How does it look like?

Blogging it at ?